Too Many Vegetables? How To Prevent Gas and Digestive Problems Caused By Healthy Eating

by | Sep 30, 2013

Photo by toehk

Maybe you’re embarrassed. Maybe you’ve been too polite to ask me. Whatever the reason, know that you’re not alone.

The number of questions I get from people about bloating, gas and other digestive problems is not small, and since it is a sensitive subject I’m sure the questions I get represent just a fraction of those of you with concerns.

It’s not uncommon to experience digestive discomfort when you change your diet. For one thing, any drastic change in eating can be a shock to your system, even if it’s for the better. Also vegetables, legumes and other healthy foods contain a number of nutrients such as oligosaccharides, soluble fiber and natural sugars like fructose that can produce excess gas in the intestine.

Fortunately there are several things that can help prevent the embarrassment and discomfort that can be caused by eating these foods. However it is important to remember that everyone’s digestive environment is unique and different things will work for different people. This means you’ll need to experiment with the following tactics in order to identify what works best for you.

How To Prevent Gas and Digestive Problems

1. Chew thoroughly

When food reaches your intestine that has been only partially digested the bacteria in your gut cause the food to ferment, producing a substantial amount of (smelly) gas. More chewing helps your stomach acids do their job more effectively and can dramatically reduce the bacterial gas that gets formed.

Chewing is even more important when you’re eating vegetables and high-fiber foods, because they are more difficult to breakdown in your mouth and stomach than, say, a slice of Wonder Bread. This means you need to grow accustomed to chewing each bite of food more than you did for processed foods.

2. Take smaller bites

For the same reason it is important to chew, taking smaller bites can help ensure that large chunks of food do not reach your intestine undigested. People who take smaller bites also tend to eat slowly, which helps prevent overeating—another cause of poor digestion.

3. Don’t get too full

Overloading your stomach will eventually overload your gut, which can prevent proper digestion and cause discomfort. Both chewing and taking smaller bites can help with this, but there are many tricks you can use to eat less without noticing if this is a problem for you.

4. Eat balanced meals

On a similar note, you don’t want to overload your gut with one kind of food. If all you’re eating is a giant mound of vegetables for dinner and you’re having trouble digesting it, try balancing out your meal with more protein and fat. These will enable you to feel satisfied with a smaller volume of food (remember point #3), as well as decrease the load of any one nutrient that may be causing problems.

5. Increase vegetable and fiber intake gradually

Going from fast food every day to lots of vegetables can be shocking to your system. The bacterial environment in your gut is accustomed to a certain flow of nutrients, and drastically changing this can cause gas and bloating. Your gut can acclimate to a new diet over time, and the key to avoiding discomfort is to make changes gradually. If you’re really struggling with all that broccoli, cut back a little and see if it helps. Once you’re comfortable you can try adding more if you like.

6. Experiment with probiotics

Most of the gas in your intestine is produced by bacteria, but there are also strains of bacteria that have the opposite effect. Adding probiotic foods to your diet can help populate your gut with helpful bacteria that can ease digestion and reduce gas. There are several strains of probiotic bacteria, and research suggests that different strains work better for different people. Experiment with different kinds, and when you find one that works stick with it to maintain the benefits.

Examples of probiotic foods are yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and miso. Keep in mind that when you cook these foods you will kill some of the active bacteria, so try to eat them raw whenever possible. I did an entire Summer Tomato Live episode on probiotics if you’d like to learn more.

7. Soak your beans

Beans are infamous for producing excess intestinal gas, but proper preparation can mitigate this problem. Instead of buying canned beans, get dry beans and soak them for at least six hours before cooking them. Soaking beans and discarding the soaking water eliminates the majority of the oligosaccharides that cannot be digested, reducing bacterial fermentation and intestinal gas. If you do buy canned beans rinse them thoroughly, since most of the oligosaccharides will be in the canning liquid.

8. Eliminate wheat

Some people have chronic stomach problems that are caused by food intolerance. Wheat sensitivities are the most common, and eliminating wheat and gluten is often the only solution. If you’ve tried everything and are still in pain, it may be worth giving up wheat and gluten for 4-6 weeks to see if it helps. If it works, now you know. If it doesn’t, at least you tried.

9. Eliminate dairy

Like gluten, many people have sensitivities to lactose, the sugar in milk, that can develop over time. Cutting it out for a few weeks is an easy way to tell if it is a problem for you.

10. Avoid fake sugars

Sugar alcohols such as sorbitol and xylitol can cause digestive problems similar to the oligosaccharides found in beans. If you’ve been relying on artificial sweeteners to cut back on real sugar, this may be a cause of your digestive issues.

11. Reduce fresh and dried fruit intake

Fructose can ferment in the gut, and too much will result in gas and discomfort. If you’ve drastically increased your fruit intake, this may be problematic for your digestion. Cut back until you find the amount you can tolerate.

(Note: I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you’ve eliminated most of the high-fructose corn syrup from your diet already).

12. Use medication

Beano is an enzyme formulation that helps with digestion of oligosaccharides that can cause gas. If you simply cannot miss out on your grandpa’s famous chili, popping the occasional Beano at the beginning of your meal should help.

On the other hand, if you still haven’t figured out what you’re sensitive to and find yourself in an unpleasant state, Gas-X is an effective form of relief that can be used on occasion. It takes 20-30 minutes to work. As always, be sure to follow the safety instructions when taking any medication.

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Originally published October 26, 2011.

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100 Responses to “Too Many Vegetables? How To Prevent Gas and Digestive Problems Caused By Healthy Eating”

  1. Tuck says:

    Can a diet really be considered healthy if it causes digestive distress?

    • Darya Pino says:

      Absolutely. In my experience people’s #1 issue is not chewing because they are accustomed to processed food, which doesn’t require it.

    • Eating Poptarts and chips never gave me gas. I don’t think that means they’re healthy.

    • jenna says:

      I don’t agree. If you experience disturbing digestive issues that don’t resolve after introducing higher fiber foods then stop eating them or eat them in small quantities. Your body is telling you it’s not happy with what you are putting in it. I persisted for 2 years with my whole food plant based diet, no refined food or oil or dairy or eggs or animal products. Just beans, whole grains veggies fruit and small amounts of nuts and seeds. My cholesterol went down 50 points, my blood work was great BUT, ongoing chronic flatulence for hours and 5-10 bowel movements and a sore rear end. I wasn’t willing to give up this “health diet easily” but now…hell yes!! In the last 2 weeks I have regained my digestive health and feel like a new person. I forgot what feeling good felt like. No more constantly thinking about food and tummy issues. Now I go 1-2 times a day. No more beans of any kind, no broccoli or cauliflower or cabbage, and very small amount of grains. So it’s eggs, fish, chicken and steamed veggies, and small amount of potatoes. Yes my cholesterol is going back up but I feel so much better. Fiber for some people can be a poison to a sensitive tummy. Listen to your body. Don’t eat what your tummy is not happy with!! Do not fall for the diet flavor of the month. Get educated as best as you can but then find what works with your tummy health. I wasted 2 years of my life because of ideology and what I know feel was the plant based eating disorder fixation.

      • Darya Rose says:

        I’ve never advocated a vegan diet. Everyone is different and these techniques worked for me. Now I can eat whatever I want.

      • Joan D. Ford says:

        Did u soak the beans for 8 or more hours and strain several times before cooking. Cutting down on all food helps us lose wt. Did you eat lentils , they are also easy on our livers. Did u try fish oil capsules ? This will raise your HDL the good cholestrol. Also did u eat fish cooked in olive oil?

      • deb says:

        such a different experience to have after changing your
        food choices. really good to know this! clean, plant- based eating may not be
        the answer for everyone:
        thanks for sharing!

      • Nicola Clune says:

        Omg I have this type of eating disorder I’ve never met anyone like me please can you help me

      • Nicola Clune says:

        I have this type eating disorder no one understands can you please contact me

      • Amin says:

        Which veggies you steam? And how much?

      • Patricia Hayden says:

        I went through the exact plight as Jenna.. 1 1/2 years into my organic journey, I was bloated most of the day. I cut down my intake and was still bloated. I could eat a peach and feel full for 6 hours. I tried adding Activa. I put all my veggies in the food processor to chop them into tiny digestible pieces. I walked after meals. Nothing helped. I finally went to the Doctor, it took 2 months of PPI meds to be relieved. Now my diet is more balanced. I feel fine. Moderation…is the answer.

    • JD says:

      I just farted as I inhaled an orange while I read this
      True story

    • M Wolf says:

      I found this site about 5 days ago in desperation. I’m a 43 year old female who for the last year has been suffering terribly from afternoon and evening bloating and worse. I looked into hormonal changes, limiting certain foods, all manner of probiotics, exercise etc. I was dubious when I read this article but thought I’d give eating more slowly and chewing deliberately a shot.

      It worked. My year-long, painful and embarrassing problem is completely and 100% gone. I used to wake up with a flat stomach only to have it balloon during the day, but that no longer happens. I used to race through eating (I have 2 small kids and time is limited) but now I take the time to eat slowly, and I am enjoying my mealtimes so much more. Every afternoon would start suffering from a painful and relentless case of “the wind”, as they say, but since adopting this simple change, nary a peep!

      Thank you, thank you for writing this, Daria Rose. I am a changed woman.

      • D. says:

        I have been experiencing the same issues – changing my diet to help with my already healthy(ish) lifestyle (yoga every day, weights, aerobic exercise, none smoker, none drinker) to help shed some slight bloating in my stomach area and everyday i wake up with a flat stomach by by 5pm I am bloated and cramping and then have excess wind and indigestion all evening! I am prone to doing everything in a hurry so I am going to try the eating more slowly and chewing thoroughly – fingers crossed!!!

      • Jess says:

        Anyone who has gas issues after eating please try a Tb of Apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. I was literally in the fetal position when I thought about the idea and literally 5minutes after everything eased up after eating lots of raw veggies all day. I NEVER get gas unless I eat from the cruciferous family or eat too much garlic. Thank God for that stuff. I’m still in disbelief how fast it worked for me I had to spread the word.

  2. Great tips, Darya!

    I’d also add that FODMAPS can be an issue for some, and if it is, is usually a sign of deeper digestive issues like leaky gut or SIBO.

  3. Jeff says:


    Thanks for sharing your insights. As someone who suffers from these types of issues I really appreciate it.

    I have a question though: in my case, I’ve found that probiotics (especially in yogurt, for instance) always make me feel measurably worse. Not only in terms of more gas but also the other symptoms that are associated with digestive problems (ie diarrhea).

    Could this be a result of my baterial chemistry changing (and should I try to stick it out for some weeks or months), or is it possible to have a system that is simply too sensitive to probiotic bacteria that isn’t cultivated naturally in the gut?

    • Darya Pino says:

      Are you sure this isn’t lactose intolerance? Different foods contain different strains of probiotics, so you can experiment with other things. But I don’t think there’s any benefit in continuing something if it isn’t helping.

    • James says:

      You might find Darya’s video on probiotics helpful:

    • Natalie says:

      It might be die-off.

    • Allie says:

      I had the same problem with some of the heavily advertised probiotic yogurts, which confused me at first, but now I attribute it to all the sugars and other things they put in most commercial yogurts. Since then I’ve tried probiotic capsules and I’ve been fine with them (although they didn’t really show much benefit for me either). If you haven’t already, you might want to see if they have the same effect for you.

    • Colleen says:

      Histamines are another consideration. A few years ago, after finding I had a “true” wheat allergy and thus eliminating gluten, etc, I was feeling crummy and brain foggy, so I figured I needed to “heal my gut” with fermented foods. Unfortunately, I was feeling worse and worse; experiencing inflammation, brain fog, loose stools and sleeplessness. I was confounded until reading something on Kessler’s blog about histamine intolerance. Turns out, fermented foods and probiotic supplements have tons of histamines which can be a problem for some. Since then, I’ve learned that some folks have a histamine intolerance which means they don’t have the right mix of enzymes to digest histamines, while others have mast cell abnormalities– such as an excess or particularly unstable mast cells. Turns out I fall into the latter group with a mild case of Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD). I think you’ll hear more and more about histamines and mast cells in the not too distant future. Along with gut biomes, it’s the next big thing.

    • Joan D. Ford says:

      Probiotics should be taken on an empty stomach.

  4. James says:

    I think time is another thing to take into consideration. When I first changed my diet I farted like crazy. I think it took about two months but my body adjusted to the new foods that I eat and I don’t have many issues with this anymore. Another factor could have been an increase in the amount of “grains” that I eat (pseudo-grains really. I don’t eat actual grains). For a while I was eating almost exclusively vegetables. Millet with soy milk in the morning, salad for lunch, and kale for dinner was pretty standard. I started eating a mix of lentils and quinoa for lunch which satisfies my cravings for bread and may also have helped with the gas issue.

    • Joan D. Ford says:

      Not everyone can eat oatmeal . Oats are hard on their GI tract. Some Italians say oats are for horses preferring eggs.I like grits ,also contain no salt . I found potatoes also lower blood pressure …but raise Blood sugar. So don’t eat everyday…with all the talk about eating fat..small portions maybe
      1 piece of low salt turkey bacon not 3 or 4. No more than 2 pieces of bread a day. Cut the intake of starch to not more than 3 x a week. This is difficult to do if you love pasta .

      • Jess says:

        If you take a Tb of Apple cider vinegar with a glass of water it will bring your sugars down. You could do it before you eat potatoes or after.

  5. Karim says:

    For the last four to five years, I’ve had issues with pretty severe bloating, severe pain and some gas from just about everything I would eat. Anything from a few crackers or chips to a steak would lead to several uncomfortable hours for me. A few weeks ago, I happened to buy a bag of red delicious apples that were on sale at a local grocery store. I ate my usual lunch then chased it with an apple afterwards. Later in the day, I ate my dinner and again ate an apple right after. I casually noticed to myself that my stomach felt good all day. I continued to eat two apples a day, one early in the day and one later, and I don’t get any bloating, pain or gas whatsoever. I told my doctor this, but he chuckled at me and pretty much dismissed what I told him. Regardless, I found a cure to my issues and it’s been really great. I still don’t know what in the apples is helping me out though. I wonder if other people that have similar symptoms to me try eating two apples would have similar results to me. The moral of the story is, the old adage is true, an apple (or two) a day keeps the doctor away.

    • Darya Pino says:

      Awesome. Apples have a lot of soluble fiber, which may help you. Who knows, but i’m glad you found a solution.

    • Natalie says:

      It might be related to the high malic acid content in apples. My son, 10, is like that, and only apples help him. He says it feels like if he had a blade in his stomach. He figured it out a few years ago, and when that happens, rarely now, he slowly eats an apple and feels better within 20-30 min.

  6. Frank says:

    Thank your for posting this article b/c i just recently has this problem and now this will help me get it under control.

  7. Aaron D says:

    I love the article, but I’m surprised that you recommended Beano and Gas-X.

    The stuff used to make Gas-X is the same stuff used to make silly putty, it’s also filler fluid in breast implants and used in MacDonald’s & Wendy’s food (ref. Wikipedia Not something I would readily put in my body.

    Beano, being enzyme based, is likely much safer. Enzyme-based dietary aids are very effective and very inexpensive. Whole foods or any small health food store would carry a digestive enzyme, and it will likely be a more trusted brand than Beano.

    As usual, loved the post and thanks for all the great info!

  8. Karen P. says:

    Definitely gluten. Definitely sugar. The combo is killer.

    I suffered my entire life with severe gas and bloating. So bad sometimes that it would build up, give me the sweats, and make me nauseated.

    Ever since going grain and sugar free, my gas has been what I can only imagine is “normal”. The only other thing I’ve noticed since that is gas-inducing is cabbage. But it’s nothing like the old days. 🙂 As far as I’m concerned, I’m cured. (Probably saved my marriage too, poor husband.)

    • Judith Favia says:

      True for some, not for others. I have done six months of elimination diets – dairy, gluten, FODMAPs. For me, I am sensitive to all legumes, simple starches (gluten or not), oligo-saccharides. Dairy and gluten in whole grains are not an issue.

      I liked that Darya stressed that 30% of people will be helped by ANY diet. So what works for one may or may not wirk fir others.

  9. Robbie says:

    Nice article. I’ve found the most important thing for me has been to wash beans if buying them from a can. Since they’ve been soaking in the water in the can all that needs doing is to get the water off.

    If I don’t use them all I put some water back in and put them in the fridge for them to soak some more. Solved the problem for me straight away.

  10. Allie says:

    Higher fructose fresh fruits are a huge issue for me. My trick in dealing with this is to always remember to eat fruit after a meal or with other foods. For example, if I eat an apple on an empty stomach, I’m often in pain about a half hour later, but if I eat it as dessert or at least half way through my meal I’m usually fine. Also, l have no problem with low fructose fruits like berries and peaches so I eat those a lot more often.

  11. samLondon says:

    I find adding garlic, pimento and other spices on cruciferous vegetables to aid digestion.

    Luckily I’m not a huge fan of fruits, they also make me bloat and retain water for some reason.

    Also, I used to get into a habit of consuming just lots of leafy veg and broccoli etc..I find it is much less problematic if I have 1 type of vegetables with a more starchy food like potatoes, carrots or wholegrains.

    But even if you do get gas lol, it’s better out than in! 🙂

  12. SaraB says:

    Fennel Seeds is a safe and very effected herbal remedy for gas while adjusting to higher fibre foods (if you missed following any of these great tips!). I chew a few seeds or make a tea with about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. It works as well as Gas-X (and I was an undiagnosed celiac for 15 years so I know from experience!)

    other spices/herbs that act as anti-flatulents are cumin, caraway, chamomile and coriander.

    To reiterate your point about slowly building up tolerance, I did this with Beans and found if I ate just a tablespoon or two with my meal, I was fine. I slowly increased the amount and I can eat about a cup now with zero issue.

  13. Roga says:

    I have a few thoughts on the apple-story above.
    Before I switched on to a “healthier” diet, I could not tolerate apples for their acid. But now I experience their benefit when I have a puffy tummy. I have long been wondering why. Do you think there is something to do with the fact that a healthy diet is low in acids, and if there is too much veg in it, some extra acid is needed?
    Also, others mentioned slow chewing of an apple above. It might just be chewing, and saline production – and stomach acid production parallel to it – that does the trick. An unpeeled apple eaten by bites is typically something you need a good chewing for, which then contributes to the work of digestive enzymes. Do you think these might be the reasons, Darya? Thanks for the great article, too!

  14. Kelly says:

    I have a suggestion for a natural remedy for gas that has always been very effective for me: thyme. Yep, the herb you put on your roast chicken. Works like a dream, even with the painful, crampy “stick a pin in me, please!” bloatedness. I haven’t found it in capsule form, so I just put about a teaspoon of dried thyme in the palm of my hand, put it in my mouth and drink it down with water. It helps to tilt my head forward a bit, so the thyme floats to the back of my mouth, making it easier to swallow. That usually does it; if I’m still having discomfort after about 15 minutes, I take more. I’ve never had any side effects from doing this, other than sweet relief.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for posting this! I’ve been considering going mostly vegetarian (with the exception of fish), but meals with loads of vegetables, beans, or whole wheat give me extremely painful gas. And of course being pregnant right now doesn’t help with the gas either! I will take these suggestions and hopefully start with a couple of veggie nights per week.

  16. Christine Caldwdll says:

    I liked your post BUT what can a person eat with severe bloating and gas from many of the foods you list?


  17. Amanda says:

    Thank you for this article! I’m changing my diet to more fresh raw fruits and veggies and did not realize there would be such uncomfortable effects, though the fiber is good for my weight loss. 😉
    I will try to implement this advice and go from there! Much appreciated.

  18. This is such great advice Darya! I am such a vegetable nut that sometimes I begin to feel the effects as well. These tips are ones that I rely on regularly to combat these issues.

  19. Dee says:

    I eat everything – doesnt bother me except ripe bananas… I guess if I had food aversions and digestive issues I would be more discerning and not be eating EVERYTHING IN SIGHT! 🙁

  20. Another one – avoid foods that have been fortified with fiber. Often they use chicory root extract, which can cause major gas and bloating. I call Fiber One bars “Fart Bars” for a good reason!

    • Darya Rose says:

      LOL “fart bars”. Amazing.

    • Kristy Breen says:

      Oh my goodness! That is so true about fiber one bars. I love the way they taste, but they kill me, plus it’s not very pleasant afterwards.

      No Fiber One bars for me anymore. I make my own meal bars now. I usually add ground flax seed to everything I make. I don’t have a problem with it and it keeps me very regular. I put it in everything from deserts to meals. My kids never know it’s there.

      Make sure you drink lots of water.

  21. Jane Peters says:

    But is gas unhealthy? I mean I like the foods I’m eating. I don’t want to change just because of a little gas.

  22. crol says:

    Just my pennie’s worth: a spoonful of mustard in the beans while they are cooking reduces gas to a manageable level . It could also be why the french make vinaigrette with dijon mustard, not the sweet soft kind but the one that makes your nose sting…try it anybody, and give some feedback

  23. Jessica Pizzo says:

    Im following the Blood type diet, and Im O-.. and i have always had trouble with the probiotics in yogurt.. well, come to find out.. since Im O blood type.. I shouldnt be having ANY DAIRY!! It is too harsh on my digestive area. So my advice would be to check out your blood type diet!
    Good luck!

  24. Laura says:

    I just recently changed my diet, very abruptly. I am eating fruits and vegetables and meats only, very little grains (except rice). It has been about a month, but recently I am having a lot of digestive trouble. I have had a lot of ongoing health issues over the years, which were likely due to food sensitivities. I cut out dairy products two months ago and experienced a lot of relief from my symptoms. I also cut out wheat a couple weeks ago. However, none of my symptoms over the years included digestive trouble. This is recent. I am very thin, but lately I have been getting so bloated, that people believe me to be pregnant. I dont experience any pain or discomfort, however i have had a lot of gas…and I dont want to gross anyone out, but for the first time as long as i can remember, my stool has a very foul smell. My digestion has been very sluggish as well…Even though I eat more, and more often, I go to the bathroom half as often. My skin is dry, though my water intake has not gone down. Furthermore, I seem to be having candida symptoms, (including chronically stuffy nose and sore throat)even though I am eating healthier. This is different than the symptoms i typically get with a cold. It does not respond much to my usual cold treatments. Rather, my sore throat is helped by eating yogurt. Also, my sugar cravings are stronger than ever. A lot of the things I have incorporated into my diet actually are supposed to HELP with candida. Garlic, onions, coconut oil, for instance. My vegetable intake has gone up, but not fruit. Overall, I feel better than I did. But these symptoms are troublesome. So what am I doing wrong? And what can I do to speed up my sluggish digestion?

    • Darya Rose says:

      Wow, that’s a lot! My guess is your intestinal flora haven’t caught up with your new diet. Probiotic supplements might help you equilibrate. Also, follow the advice in this article. Chewing very thoroughly clears up digestive issues for most people.

      Also, the stuffy nose symptoms you’re describing sound more like allergies. At this time of year, the dust from your heating at home may be an issue. The filters are supposed to be replaced every year, but most people don’t realize this. I got allergy/dust related sinus infections repeatedly until I discovered that I could get rid of them for a $3 air filter. Check the main heating vents in your home. Good luck!

      • Laura says:

        The food I make now is so much more delicious than what I used to eat. It is so hard not to eat quickly! But I am going to make an effort towards chewing more. I was also planning on eating plain coconut yogurt every day, to see if that helps…

        I do tend to get sinus and throat symptoms that I attribute to allergies, but as we dont have forced air heat, it is hard to pinpoint the culprit.

        The only thing that made me consider candida this time, is because my throat irritation feels similar to an oral thrush infection I had last year, and because the yogurt seems to help it(which is how I got rid of the thrush)

        Anyway, wow, what a quick reply! Thanks 🙂

  25. belgeig says:

    Thanks everyone for your posts. It’s a sensitive issue. We’ve been eating a ton of green vegetables ever since my husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes several years ago.
    Since the addition of vegetables (and to a lesser extent, fruits) was the only major change in my diet, and I was not taking supplements or vitamins, I have to attribute the increase (yes, for real!) in my bone density to the new vegetable regimen.

    I will try the slow chewing tip. Thanks again. Good luck to each of you.

    • Anti-Gluten says:

      Gluten is like the devil himself. Refined sugar makes my entire body swell. One day out of the blue, watermelon which is full of fructose gave me the worse stomach pain and flatulence that I’ve EVER had in my entire life. Believe me it was bad. Whenever I eat good ol’ Kale.. it’s literally like I drank acid! (Excuse my French) but it goes right through me without any warning… it’s a pure nightmare. Gluten and grains cause severe joint pain. Brain fog, restless leg syndrome (especially at night) extreme GI pain. Nose bleeds and even memory loss! Dairy is a complete NO as well. I can do coconut or plant based yogurt if I’m feeling adventurous without much of an issue. Gluten is SCARY for me. The pain and muscle aches and twitches lasts for days; the swelling is incomprehensible. The fructose thing is completely new and a shocker for me or perhaps now after years of suffering, I’ve become super aware of what I eat and keep track of foods with a fine-toothed comb for my own “survival”. I honestly do not recommend grains of any kind. I believe that grains are for cattle and the like. Grains equal inflammation and inflammation equals pain and chronic diseases. My mother died from multiple sclerosis which I believe is an autoimmune disease caused by [inflammation]. I’ve been a Nurse for 9 years and I’ve been told that there is no “true test” for some or most of these autoimmune disorders like MS and Lupus… it’s just kind of ruled out due to a process of elimination and based on chief complaints and symptoms. It’s FOOD… Never ever eat canned (Anything), trust me on this. Dairy and grains are just not suitable for the majority of us (especially grains). Sugar.. forget it (forever). Be like Nike and just do it. Also look up the video on YouTube about these different types of bottled waters that everyone consumes. Dasani is terrible! I promise you that I’ve researched my rear end to a crisp on all of these topics and have rotated in some of the worlds most prestigious medical facilities, and I testify that food can destroy you. Read Dr. Osborne’s “No Grain No Pain”. Also on his website please read about all of the terrible conditions that stem from eating gluten and/or grains. Literally Infertility is a side effect. Don’t feed your kids sugar. If you must have some form of sugar use organic coconut palm sugar in moderation. If you are consuming almond milk, use “Silk” brand. Listen and pay close attention to your body. It will inform and warn you. Like we used to say “Don’t put newspaper over the #*%t, Just stop doing and stop eating what your body is begging you not to. Accupuncture is a God send. Histamine allergies and intolerances are deadly. I almost went into anaphylactic shock this past Easter due to something in the air outside while walking my lab. Had to be rushed to the ER, my Epi pens didn’t help at all. Take Care Everyone and read read read.

  26. Jazmin says:

    Interesting article. Some fibre foods create more bloat than others. Stale (like supermarket apples)fruits and nuts are the main culprits. My theory is that the sugars have mostly been fermented by the time they get to your lunch box. Fermented sugar(also called sugar alcohols)are the gas monsters!Beware!.

    I stay away from dairy because I find I either get the sniffles, or pimples a day or two after consuming dairy. Dairy is very acidic. I usually have to realign my PH balance by taking grapefruit (or a bit of apple cider vinegar in my drinking water). Yes, I know both solutions are also acidic but their effect is to make your body more alkaline(i.e. healthier).

    For the bloating, my solution is extremely simple! GINGER I either chew on a piece of fresh ginger after eating beans etc, or I grate the ginger, boil it , strain and use the liquid for a nice calming tea. You can also cook your bean stews with ginger, by the way.

    Oh and for the person with the horrible sugar cravings, munch nuts!

  27. karla says:

    Beano makes me feel weird, like something is trap, but it is not gas. I get so bloated that I look like I’m four months pregnant! I will try eating more yogurt. Any other advise besides consulting a doctor?

  28. Alfred says:

    You all have interesting eating proposals and I will keep them in mind. I am scientist (chemist-nutritionist) and after my Master of Science degree in nutrition I quite this science and I focused on (analytical) chemistry. The reason is that is no real prediction can be made, everybody reacts differently. There are certain eating behaviors which are good for all, but the most of them are tailored individually. The problem with the gas is a very sensitive and embarrassing topic. I know what I am talking about, I had column cancer about 3 years ago with all the necessary radio and chemo treatments. The treatments killed all my bacteria in my intestine. In a normal case the bacteria renew from its-self. I thought that’s also my case. But always after whatever meal, the gas (sometimes together with stool) came up and shortened up my lunch break abruptly, and I had to hide in the next toilet. My other problems now are that every month, once or twice (since one year), my stomach blocks, nothing is going through and everything is vomited out again, this during 1 and till 4 days. My doctor said it’s a gastro virus !?! I am sure that it is something else. I tested my blood/urine and I saw that I became gluten allergic. Ok, I thought I found the devil… but even I stopped the gluten sources, I had again the same phenomena (vomiting). As I could find through a specialist who will analyze my blood/urine results in depth, she told me that when the bacteria are killed through whatever influence, the recovery is very difficult. The bacteria is rebuilding, but in many cases the “bad” bacteria is dominating. As I could see with me. The flow and consistence of my stool is going better (due to the healing), but the gas is still present and bothering me. I have to say I can eat the same thing, one day I have gas , and the other day, nothing at all. I believe, as I said, that every individual is different and … every momentarly shape (means inside factors, such as Ph, immune systems, well-be feeling etc.) is different for every individual. The only link to my recovery I see with the help of this specialist who tells me exactly what to eat, which mineral/vitamin or other supplement could heal me. The results I should get next week.

    • jenna says:

      Hi Alfred,
      Just some thoughts you might further research.
      1) One is CVD( cyclic vomiting disorder).
      2) Mastic gum and DGL(deglycyrrhizinated licorice toot extract) on PUB MED..
      3) Probiotics
      5)Forks Over Knives

      Just to name a few that might be enlightening in some way.

      • Alfred says:

        Thank you very, very much for your response. I did not think of the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS), not CVD=Cardiovascular diseases. Are you medical doctor? You seem to understand a lot about that. What is disappointing, when looking in the Internet “CVS has no known cause”. Of course my history of illness (colon cancer) is in my opinion THE cause. But to know how to behave (in eating and drinking habits) is now my next step. Something else gave me some thoughts…, as I am always writing my health history down since 3 years; most of the time when I had these attacks was after a w-end. The w-ends I am drinking alcohol, during the week not. Ok, I stopped the beer (because of the gluten). But it is not just the alcohol (I do not exaggerate on this), it’s unpredictable, usually after heavy dinner or last time after just one orange + salads (over acidification? I do not know!!). I am doing sport, I am not the guy with a beer behind the TV, actually I am living healthy.

        Anyway , Monday I will go to the specialist which treats cases like this, mainly over the correct nutrition. Something what you said “Forks over Knives (by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods)”, I admit as a chemist I did not think about it. But you are right I should think larger than just in molecules. As I am working 40 years in the biggest Food company, I know what processed food is. The effective consequences are not yet scientifically proven (example : as for trans fatty acids in palm oils, and other things).

        I like to keep you informed about my pathway. Thank you again for your very valuable comments ! Al

    • Charlie says:

      I have heard of many people losing their flora balance through things less severe than stomach cancer, such as antibiotic treatment after getting a tooth pulled, then suffering months of terrible illness because of the destroyed flora. It occurred to me (and I am sure to others) that having ones flora stored for later re-transplant could be very useful.

  29. Charlie says:

    Not much mention of the benefits of exercise: it definitely helps to straighten out the gastric kinks. Caveat: no snacking during exercise unless you are burning more than a days worth of normal calories (1800+ calories).

  30. Alfred says:

    Hi Jenna,
    According to the medical analyses I have a chronicle inflammation in the intestine (sedimentation speed= much too high, Candia LgG = 70% higher than limit, AA/EPA report = 70% over the limit, Homocysteine = 30% higher than limit, Omega-3 = low), just to name some values. In addition, I have not enough Zinc+Selenium+B12. The treatment will be a changing of the diet (no sugar, beer, trans fat sources), increase Omega-3 sources, and reestablishing the intestine with evening primrose oil and vitamins. I still stopped the gluten-foods, though my doctor told me that I am not allergic against gluten.
    Thank you again for your remarks, Al

  31. CH says:

    I’ve taken to eating about 10 or 15 beano tablets a day and for the first time since I can remember I fart no more than 2 or 3 times a day even after a burrito. Now I am worried if my lower gut bacteria are being starved of “leftovers” from the upper gut, could that cause an unwanted unbalance?

    • Darya Rose says:

      That’s a helluva lota beano. I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with that. Have you tried chewing more? Works wonders for my readers.

      • CH says:

        In response to your advice i have cut down on beano and am chewing more; but what about soups and smoothies? – they are difficult to chew.

      • Lily says:

        Hi Darya, thank you for your article. I love reading this kind of articles and also the responses, I learn a lot 🙂

        I am trying to reply to CH bellow but I don’t know where to click to do that… so if you don’t mind I’ll post here as well…

        Hi CH, once I was reading an article on how to properly chew your your food for properly digestion, and also how to have your soup and smoothies, and what I learned about liquid foods was very interesting: the writer said that we need to mix our soup or smoothies very well with our saliva so the enzymes will mixed well and when they go our stomach the work is half done and we don’t have lost of gas…

  32. Me says:

    Two fruits contain enzymes that greatly help digestion. Papaya and pineapple. I always have one or the other with lunch and my chronic bloating is gone. Note that papaya enzyme tablets, sold at health food stores, can have serious side effects including paralysis-they gave me a tremendous backache, so stick with the real thing.

    • Colleen says:

      When I travelled Peru this past summer, I drank papaya juice at bfast every morning (mmm, meaty!). Also drinking yogurt. As it happens, I never had a single issue with digestion or upset the whole trip. For me, this was quite an accomplishment.

      Another time, I was suffering from a hangover headache that you would not believe. Advil, coffee and electrolytes were no match. In my misery, I dragged myself to my neighborhood Thai restaurant where I started with one of those green papaya salads. Lo and behold, before my pad Thai even arrived, the headache was gone and I was good as new. Papaya, man…

  33. wanderer says:

    Interesting article. I have a lot of flautulence (IBS type issues) and fibromyalgia. I’m planning to start juicing etc soon. But I’m worried that raw veggies may not suit my stomach. And also, fermented foods like kimchi etc are raw right? So will they help :/ or should I try a probiotic supplement to check if it reduces gas etc. Im already vegetarian, but will suddenly switching to a plant-based diet cause more ditress?!!

    • Darya Rose says:

      I would definitely easy in over a couple of weeks. Juice shouldn’t be a problem since it is, in some sense, very well chewed (aka not whole foods). Fermenting is a process of food transformation, so fermented foods are not raw. Chew everything thoroughly, avoid bread and dairy. Don’t forget vitamins B12, D, K2, etc.

      • wanderer says:

        Thanks for the reply. Chewing is a problem, thanks to fibro. But you’re saying raw is okay when juiced? Yes, will go easy the first week 🙂 don’t know much abt k2!

    • Darya Rose says:

      If you’re just talking about gas, then yes juice is easier on digestion. K2 is primarily found in hard cheeses, such as parmesan.

  34. Hagitha says:

    Sounds like most people up above have “leaky gut”. There are several natural ways to get rid of it….also, if persistent, daily diarrhea please consult a GI. Daily bouts can cause the tiny hairs(in easy terms)in your intestines damage. This damage could cause serious absorption issues….just listen to your body. Eating healthy is what everyone should do, but finding the correct combo of food for “your” body is key! Good luck everyone 🙂

  35. Jeff says:

    Oh boy, when I fart, even the skunks run the other way.

  36. Olivia says:

    Been having a lot of upper abdominal bloating and flatulence. Has been like this for about a week now. Saw a GI and they said to go on a fruit, but, lean protein and smoothie diet. Since I’ve been on it nothing has really changed yet. Do you suppose it could take longer for my stomach bloating to go down or should I be seriously concerned?

  37. Olivia says:

    I’ve been having upper abdominal bloating and flatulence recently for about a week now. Saw a GI at the beginning of this week that out me on a fruit, but, lean protein and smoothie diet. Nothing has changed really since then, and they said it would subside in a few days. Should I wait it out another week or be seriously concerned?

  38. Matthew says:

    FODMAPS. Google it.

  39. hannah says:

    So with the chewing slowly thing, does that count if it’s a smoothie…? The majority of my fruit/veg intake has been seriously blended before ingestion and I am still having gut problems. I am thinking of giving up on this “healthy” thing.

  40. Renae says:

    I managed to keep my gas a secret from my boyfriend for a YEAR! how I did it I have NO idea!! but now that it is out in the open- hes considering upping my rent to put up with the smells. He is kidding! ( I think) But really, my gas is terrible. I am newly in recovery from an eating disorder(s) and I kind of wanted it to be a gluten intolerance, since that is all the rage,figured it would be a great excuse to cut out a food group, but really I think it is the amount of vegetables I eat! My gas is uncontrollable, smells ungodly, and my stomach is so bloated at the end of the day and often still in the AM. I have never heard just simply chewing more but I am going to give It a go!!

    • Darya Rose says:

      Probiotics will likely help as well (e.g. Fresh kimchi/sauerkraut), and patience. It takes the guy several months to adapt to all those new nutrient sources. And yes, chewing is key 🙂

  41. Thank you for sharing this article. Some of our staff of students and have drastically change their diet to vegetable and fish. We are suffering for the excessive gas (lol). I like most of your suggestion, but have concern of the option to reduce fruits and wheat. Aren’t these vital for a healthy diet?

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Reminds me of an old Chinese proverb: Chew your food well, for your stomach has no teeth 🙂
    While I respect your view on vegan diets, I feel it’s important to caution those who do consume animal products to be very selective in what they choose. Hormones,
    antibiotics, and even neurochemicals like cortisone and adrenaline can be present in what people eventually put in their systems. If you do eat meat, going local, organic, and humane is your best bet.
    Moreover, because of the chemicals and insecticides that are used on commercial farms, the fruits and vegetables we buy should also be locally and organically produced whenever possible.

  43. Rachel says:

    Eliminated carrageenan found in many commercial nut milks to great relief.

    Also, I’d consider fecal transplantation for those who have true microbiome pathology.

  44. dino says:

    hello I was diagnosed with diverticulitis 2 months ago and changed my diet completely. I now boil lots of veggies and blend them into a mashed potato type consistency, kinda like baby food. its delicious and satisfying twice a day and a salad with with raw veggies for dinner. I gave up meat and dairy and soda and bread and gluten and cereals and processed foods. im losing weight slowly mostly cause I thing the yoyo affect for so long as disrupted my metabolism ( im a male 50 yrs old )and I haven’t started working out yet. is my diet healthy? the blended veggies are carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower. im worried I might be eating too much because it takes a lot of boiled veggies to make up a bowl of mashed veggies! lmk, please!

  45. Cal says:

    Great post. Yes FODMAPS, but we need to feed the bacteria in our large bowel which need good fiber to live, check Hadza diet, fiber rich, not stripped processed and re-fortified with synthetic vitamins, most diverse microbiome known to science. I see we have a few comments here with people who may have SIBO. Thus, it hurts to eat, mealtimes are dreaded and we become frail, malnourished, and sometimes sickly looking. The healthy ferments we think will help us only make us worse as do some probiotics. SCD, GAPS, AIP, etc. only confused us further, labeled as IBS we struggled, and we still do, i.e. H2S dominant SIBO doesn’t exist in the medical world. I feel sorry for those who don’t have the time, resources, money, or googling ability to figure it out, even with that it’s a long way back because the relapse rate is significant.

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