FOR THE LOVE OF FOOD: The pros and cons of fasting, body fat trumps BMI, and water cuts calories

by | Mar 11, 2016
For the Love of Food

For the Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. 

This week the pros and cons of fasting, body fat trumps BMI, and how water cuts calories.

Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free speed reading app I just discovered to read at 300+ wpm. So neat!

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5 Responses to “FOR THE LOVE OF FOOD: The pros and cons of fasting, body fat trumps BMI, and water cuts calories”

  1. Beth says:

    Whenever I’d look at the “big picture” stats on white vs. brown rice, I always felt like there wasn’t enough of a difference between the two, especially once I realized my palate had a distinct preference for white rice. Not only that, but the cooking time is shorter for white rice, and I’ve noticed that if I get Chipotle, the brown rice is much more likely to have uncooked pieces in it. I realized after a while that it was pointless to worry about the negligible nutrient differences, since 99% of the time when I’m eating rice, it’s with a colorful stir-fry or other nutrient-dense food.

    I don’t know if the people who are always telling me “brown rice is better for you!!” will have the patience for the analysis of the article you shared, but maybe the length of it will frustrate them so much that they will be tempted to abandon the argument and let me enjoy my white rice in peace.. 😉

  2. camille says:

    I tried intermittent fasting a couple of years ago, and it worked well for me then: it gave me peace of mind to know that I was “making up” for any excess the rest of the week and it was all balancing out. Then I stopped to get pregnant (sucessfully).

    I tried it again more recently, but it was a mistake: I would eat in excess the night before a fast day to avoid feeling hungry, and eat in excess after a fast day because I was feeling so hungry. I stopped because it wasn’t helping my relationship with food.

    I’ll note that I’m still breastfeeding my 1yo (I know, I know: no one would actually recommend intermittent fasting in this context) and I think I need to let my body and my appetite be for now.

  3. Mathew says:

    That speed reading app is incredible. Thanks for passing it on!

  4. Dee says:

    large doses of antioxidants can cause cancer in humans?

  5. Darya, while I am quite sure the 5:2 is not for me, the 16/8 Intermittent Fasting is something that I can do for the rest of my life. It’s so easy. My schedule is: dinner at 5:30pm, fast from 6pm to 10am, breakfast 10am, lunch noon-ish to one-ish. So no skipped meals. It’s basically just a matter of no after-dinner snacking, which I wasn’t doing anyway, and delaying breakfast for a few hours. You can read the details in my blog post:

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