For The Love Of Food

by | Aug 13, 2010

For The Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.

This week I found an exceptional number of articles supporting the value of minimally processed foods (shhh, even the one that tried to argue the opposite). Also some useful tips on juicing and weight lifting (not together, of course).

I’m also happy to tell you that the print buttons are working again 🙂

I read many more wonderful articles than I post here each week. If you’d like to see more or just don’t want to wait until Friday, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@summertomato) or the Summer Tomato Facebook fan page. For a complete reading list join me on the new Digg or StumbleUpon. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you.

Links of the week

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7 Responses to “For The Love Of Food”

  1. Chandelle says:

    “In Praise of Fast Food” was very confusing. How are traditional preservation methods (salt, vinegar, fermentation, etc.) comparable to the use of artificial ingredients in processed food today? Because no “real food” or “traditional food” or “local food” person I know thinks it’s bad to preserve food – it’s the modern methods of production that we dislike.

    I did appreciate what she was saying about our lifestyle offering more options because we’re free to choose something other than labor in the fields or over the metate, but she doesn’t bring that circle back around to consider that the fast food she wishes to praise is very much a reflection of those old systems. Modern wage slavery isn’t that much different from peasantry or serfdom, and fast food is responsible for much enslaving degradation in countries where indigenous people are removed from land that is subsequently razed to grow industrial beef, or example, or wheat for burger buns.

    Okay, off my soapbox. Thanks for sharing such intriguing links!

  2. Katie says:

    In Praise of Fast Food: “When the ancient Greeks took it as a sign of bad times if people were driven to eat greens and root vegetables, they were rehearsing common wisdom. Happiness was not a verdant Garden of Eden abounding in fresh fruits, but a securely locked storehouse jammed with preserved, processed foods.”
    WTF??? That is where I stopped reading.

    • Lukas says:

      She’s not arguing that greens are bad! She just wants us to understand that traditionally, good, fresh greens were a rarity. Most societies didn’t have a Golden Age where the majority subsisted on tasty fresh vegetables.

      That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to create that Golden Age, of course we should. But we should understand that making fresh vegetables affordable for all has not been the norm, will be challenging, and appreciate what industrial food can offer us as we plan.

  3. Chez Us says:

    Darya, thanks for the shout-out. That salad was amazing, so amazing we ate three times that week. Wait until you see what we do with White Corn this week! 🙂

  4. Emily says:

    Hi Darya, with regards to “First Signs of Puberty Seen in Younger Girls,” do you know of any studies that look at the effects of either obesity or estrogen mimicking environmental chemicals in boys?

    • Darya Pino says:

      Yes, obesity definitely raises estrogen in all people. Also, I’ve seen a study that lavender extract can mimic estrogen in boys. It effects me, so I imagine the reports are probably true, at least in some people. Also, it is possible that too much soy could have this effect, though the data is less conclusive.

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