For The Love Of Food

by | Sep 30, 2011

For The Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.

I had to restrain myself from including 20 articles in this week’s post, but for your sake I kept it to my usual top 10. Whatever you do don’t miss Bittman’s calculations on the price of broccoli versus McDonald’s, how easy it is to sell fruit to kids, how global warming is affecting the fishing industry, how the food industry is responding to the Real Food movement, and the other five articles.

Want to see all my favorite links? Be sure to follow me on on Digg. I also share links on Twitter (@summertomato) and the Summer Tomato Facebook fan page. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you.

Links of the week

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8 Responses to “For The Love Of Food”

  1. MsB says:

    Any thoughts on how much b12 is enough via food not supplements? In otherwords, how much meat/fish/eggs per day for a 1800 kcal diet? I imagine folks might revert to Atkins type meat consumption because of B12 “brain shrinkage” fears.

  2. Sam says:

    Loved the Mark Bittman article! I know that he did skip over some valid obstacles to cooking (capital investment in kitchen equipment, etc) but his arguments are still applicable for many people. I think Mark Bittman gets backlash because people become defensive and think he is scolding them, but really his message is empowering – you CAN cook, it’s really possible.

  3. Connie Thomson says:

    Thanks for the link to the Reebok article! My day job is as a sports shoe seller, and the company I work for is getting out of the toning shoe market, thankfully. While I don’t doubt that some folks find toning shoes to be comfy, I’ve always maintained that the “results” people claim to see from using them are simply because they started walking. Go from sitting on your butt to walking a few miles a day and you’ll see results regardless of your shoe. 🙂 It’s not the shoe, it’s the fact that you’re finally moving!

  4. Great links — I am with you on the whole artisan going mainstream thing. Kind of sickening, kind of hopeful. Great there is a growing demand but unfortunately marketing can be very deceptive.

  5. Well, seeing as the Times didn’t publish my letter re: Bittman’s article, I’ll post it here (next best thing):

    I mostly agree with Mark Bittman’s argument that cost is not the only– or even the primary– factor driving our nation’s addiction to junk and fast foods (“Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?” September 25). But when comparing the cost of feeding a family of four at McDonald’ s($27.89) versus preparing roast chicken, potatoes, and vegetables at home ($13.78), Bittman does not acknowledge the time involved in shopping, cooking, and cleaning up afterwards—a couple of hours, easily. It doesn’t matter whether one enjoys these tasks or how one would otherwise spend this time—it still has economic value. At the current minimum wage , two hours of labor adds $14.50 to the true cost of the home-cooked meal, erasing the financial advantage Bittman posits. (Of course, the advantage in terms of nutrition, health outcomes, and strengthening family bonds is still firmly on the side of home-cooked.)

    • Darya Pino says:

      Yes, that’s a good point. I definitely think his argument is oversimplified when talking about the very poor. But I think it does apply to LOTS of people who are misinformed about the cost of healthy food. If you get in the habit of shopping once a week and cooking regularly, I think it can save time as well.

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