Poll: Why do you read Summer Tomato?

by | Jun 1, 2009

I am overwhelmed by the tremendous support you have shown for Summer Tomato since we launched 10 weeks ago. Thanks to each of you who have contributed to the wonderful community here, Summer Tomato could not exist without you.

As we move forward and continue to grow, I would love to know what keeps you coming back here day after day. In the poll below, please tell me what you like best about Summer Tomato so I can continue to meet your needs. If you have anything else to add to your response, please leave a note in the comments or, if you prefer, drop me an email.

Thank you for your response!

[poll id=”2″]

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12 Responses to “Poll: Why do you read Summer Tomato?”

  1. Hanlie says:

    I just adore Summer Tomato! Keep up the good work!

  2. In your poll I chose inspiration not only for the words that you give but just to know about your struggles your finds and to know we (people) are going through the same journey. Thanks for your words.

  3. maggie says:

    i read summer tomato for healthy eating tips, inspiration and recipes. thanks for all your hard work! i also love the food for thought fridays!

  4. Cindy says:

    As a fellow scientist (cosmology… not related, but kindred spirit), I completely appreciate your approach in research and presenting the facts. Nutrition is something frequently touted by “experts” who have no training or background. Keep up the research and statistical love!

    The omnivore side of me _loves_ that your approach is to embrace food, without promoting a list of forbidden foods.

    I would *love* to see a review of the DASH diet, since there is so much specific science & testing behind it.

    Thank you for everything you do!!

  5. Katie says:

    Love it, Darya! Thanks for all your hard work!

  6. Marcia says:

    I love the scientific stuff and the clean food. Great blog! Thanks.

  7. Miz says:

    all of the above?

  8. Jennifer says:

    Hey Darya,

    I’d love to see more advice on how to create a meal plan, how much of each food group people should eat in one day and especially a breakdown of “fats” as that is probably one of the most confusing things to me (which ones to eat, which to avoid).

    My doctor recently told me I have high cholesterol (which I almost didn’t believe at first since I weigh 120 pounds!). She told me it could be hereditary (it runs on both sides of my family). So I’d love to see information on how to eat right when you have high cholesterol.

  9. Definitely all of the above! Very unique concept that keeps me coming back for more.

    Out of curiosity, what poll widget do you use?

  10. Sara says:

    Seriously, how can you advocate healthy eating AND have an ad for kraft mac n’ cheese. I’m not sure I can keep reading your blog if you are going to be so hypocritical as to advertise the very thing you are against.

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