Poll Results: When is healthy eating the most difficult?

by | Aug 21, 2008

Thanks to everyone who voted in this week’s poll. Here are the results:

Breakfast 0%
Lunch 60%
Dinner 40%
Snack 0%
All Day 0%
Never 0%

n = 10

Lunch! When I first saw these results I must say I was a bit surprised. For me lunch is routine and, because I’m me, it is a healthy one. Lunch is almost the same every day, so I have tuned it to be an automatic contribution to my healthy lifestyle.

In my world (I didn’t vote), dinner is the most difficult meal because it is the most likely to be laced with the element of surprise. I usually only eat out at dinner because when friends want to get together, after work is typically the most convenient time. But that’s me and I do not go out very often.

I would be willing to wager that those of you who answered lunch did so because you go out for lunch almost every day. Is this true?

I am curious to know how much of this decision is need-based (i.e., there is no refrigerator, microwave, sink or lunch space where you work) versus how much is office culture (i.e., everyone goes out for lunch, you cannot be expected to sit alone with your salad)? Or are you all just too busy to find a healthy lunch and end up at the closest, quickest food option available (rarely the healthiest)?

Please enlighten me by posting comments about your lunching habits.

Stay tuned for advice on how to re-structure lunch to actually contribute to your healthy eating.

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4 Responses to “Poll Results: When is healthy eating the most difficult?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    i tend to eat leftovers from the dinner the night before the work day. sometimes it’s not that exciting but it sure beats hell out of del taco!

  2. doug says:

    I don’t like carrying food in my bag through bart.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can’t eat a heavy lunch because it makes me feel sleepy in the afternoons at my desk. I also get tired of bringing the same thing all the time (sandwiches or leftovers), but I have a hard time thinking of new things to bring for lunch that are both light and portable.

  4. Jed Wolpaw says:

    Having breakfast this morning overlooking lake Atitlan in Guatemala and someone comments on the small size of the portions. “My friend Darya”, I say, “says that we need to have smaller portions in the United States”. I then went on to order a second plate of food, but hey, you know what they say, it`s the thought that counts

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