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It’s my birthday, and I only want one thing…

Photo by Will Clayton

I’ve never been one to make a fuss about my birthday. Honestly, it was rarely an option.

As someone who spent far more of her life in school than she cares to admit, it didn’t take long to realize that the week before Thanksgiving usually meant only one thing: midterm exams.

Somehow champagne, parties, presents, and birthday cakes rarely percolated to the top of my to-do list on the day of my birth. (Well maybe champagne, but not usually until after school got out for the holiday.)

Now that I have more freedom in my schedule I decided to ask myself: what would I really want to spend time doing if it were entirely up to me?

I realized that since I spend so much of my time thinking and writing about how to help you solve your health problems, what I would really love is to know how it is working for you guys in your daily lives.

This year for my 34th 29th birthday my wish is to hear about any of the successes you’ve had as a result of my work here at Summer Tomato, or in Foodist.

Have you lost weight? Lowered your blood pressure? Learned to cook? Convinced your kids to eat cauliflower? Reached one of your dreams?

I would love to hear your stories and triumphs, if you’d be willing to share. Not only will hearing from you totally make my year, but I’m sure others will gather inspiration and motivation from your success as well.

If you wouldn’t mind, please tell me in the comments any way I have helped you get closer to your ideal awesome life. If you’d like to share but are feeling a little shy, I’m asking the same question of my monthly newsletter subscribers, and the replies there will go directly to my private inbox. So feel free to sign up and let me know that way if you prefer.

Anything you have to share, big or small, would make my day.

Thanks so much.


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