For The Love of Food

by | Oct 30, 2009
For The Love of Food

For The Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.

Lots of great food and health science this week in my top 10, along with the death of the evil Smart Choices food labeling campaign (woohoo!). Also be sure to check out the wonderful Anti-Fast Food article from Zen Habits. And what week would be complete without a lame celebrity gaffe endorsed by the always misguided Diets In Review? Oh right, any week.

Happy reading 🙂

I’m still collecting votes for the People’s HealthBlogger Award by Wellsphere and would greatly appreciate your support. Wellsphere is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in healthy living. To vote for me you have to create an account with them, but you can delete it when you’re done (I have yet to get any spam from them). I’m really terrible at asking people for things, but hope you can find a minute to show your support. Much thanks to those who have already voted.

I read many more wonderful articles than I post here each week. If you’d like to see more or just don’t want to wait until Friday, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@summertomato) or the Summer Tomato Facebook fan page. For complete reading lists join me on the social bookmarking sites StumbleUpon and Delicious. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you there. (Note: If you want a follow back on Twitter introduce yourself with an @ message).

For The Love of Food

You read anything awesome this week?

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7 Responses to “For The Love of Food”

  1. thomas says:

    thanks for the links, the junk food link is depressing. wondering if we will ever be able to get rid of junk food. guess not.

    • Darya Pino says:

      It won’t go away 100%, but if we stop eating it the market will adjust. Capitalism is cool like that 😉

      • thomas says:

        considering that 80% of the meat is produced by 4 companies and mcdonalds is the largest meat purchaser, i guess we have to wait a very long time for that 😉

        btw, i received 2 emails from summer tomato and healthy eating because you commented on my comment. wee bit of an overkill 😉

  2. Darya!

    Thanks so much for the kudos. I recently discovered your impressive blog and am certifiably addicted. (Is that healthy? I’m going with yes.)



  3. Thanks for turning us on to Holly at Sustainable Suppers. She sounds like a real character, and I mean that in the best possible way. Very entertaining.


  4. I love these Friday posts!! Saves me lots of time, as you always give us great info & articles.

    Just wanted to say Thanks!!


  5. As always, appreciate the roundup. WTF, Gwenyth?

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