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A Free Chapter of FOODIST to Start 2014 Off Right


Welcome back and happy holidays!

This week most of the people you know will declare a handful of ridiculous resolutions to “lose weight,” “get healthy,” “exercise more,” or “drink more water.” Some of them may even concoct a vague or impossibly difficult plan to get there.

And most of them will fail within a couple of weeks.

The problem, of course, is that for resolutions to actually work you need to figure out a way to change your behaviors permanently, and this is much easier said than done.

I’ve spent the past several years studying and testing just that: how to identify and change the behaviors that have the biggest impact on your health. It involves changing the way you look at and interact with food and your body, and breaking down the tactical as well as the psychological barriers that stand in your way.

It isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. And it’s WAY MORE FUN than dieting.

In my book Foodist: Using Real Food and Real Science to Lose Weight Without Dieting I give you step-by-step instructions for how to stop trying and hoping for better health, and actually achieve it.

As a holiday present for you guys today I’m giving away a free chapter (one of my favorites) from Foodist to help you start 2014 on the right foot.

I know how tough it can be to believe a new method will help you get healthy when so many have failed in the past. Today I’m giving you a sneak peek of Foodist so you can see for yourself how different it is from any other health or weight loss book you’ve read before.

If you’re sick of being stuck in the same bad habits that sabotage you from being the healthy person you want to be, enter your email below and I’ll send you your free chapter.

Thousands of people have already transformed their lives by becoming foodists, and this year you can too.

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