How To Make Eggs Taste As Good As Bacon

by | May 30, 2012
Fried Eggs

Fried Eggs

Something magical happened a few weeks ago. While trying to figure out what to do with the first fresh eggs I’d found at the farmers market this season, I discovered the greatest egg ingredient in the history of mankind.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little (truffles are pretty darn good on eggs), but not much.

Generally I am a big fan of adding some kind of ground red pepper (usually chipotle or ancho) to fried or scrambled eggs. But this day I tried something a bit different.

Digging through my pantry I remembered that I had a ton of smoked paprika left over from the hummus I made. I decided to do an experiment and sprinkle the smoked paprika onto my eggs.

I can’t believe I went all my life without knowing about this.

But before I explain why exactly the smoked paprika made my eggs so amazing, I want to address what I’m sure many of you are wondering:

How healthy are fried eggs?

Answer: Eggs are perfectly healthy, and frying doesn’t make them any less so.

Personally I cook my eggs in olive oil (it’s just easier), but even if you use butter it isn’t a problem since the amount you need to cook is so small.

What scares people about frying eggs is an irrational fear of dietary fat. But theoretically the amount of oil you use to fry an egg should be about the same as you need to scramble eggs, so it isn’t clear why fried eggs would pose any more of a problem. I use olive oil to scramble eggs as well.

The other issue people have with eggs is the yolk. It amazes me how often people proudly inform me that they eat eggs but “only the whites,” as if this were some unique virtue.

I understand that the public health message we’ve heard about eggs for the past few decades has been extremely negative, but eggs have since been completely exonerated from heart disease accusations. There was a time when it was assumed that dietary cholesterol (which is definitely higher than normal in eggs compared to other foods) would raise blood cholesterol, but it doesn’t for most people. In fact, the healthy fats in egg yolks are likely to positively impact your good HDL cholesterol.

Moreover, dietary fats in general have been shown to be excellent at satiating hunger, and are thus a terrific replacement for calories from refined carbohydrates. That makes egg yolks your ally in fighting heart disease and burning fat, not your enemy.

Then there’s the fact that egg yolks are incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, since they are meant to be nourishment for a developing life.

And finally there’s the most important part, that farm fresh egg yolks are out-of-this-world delicious.

Which brings me back to how to make the best eggs in the universe.

First you must start with high-quality eggs. Two factors have the biggest impact on egg flavor. The first is the diet of the hen who laid the egg, and the second is the egg’s freshness. Thus for best results you want to find the freshest pastured eggs you can get your hands on. Pastured means the hens that lay the eggs are allowed to peck around on grass eating bugs and whatever else they find.

Your best shot at finding pastured fresh eggs is at a farmers market or direct from a farm, since if they are already on a grocery shelf they probably aren’t very fresh. Try to find eggs less than 1 week old. Their day of boxing should be clearly marked on the carton. It requires a little math, but I’m not the one who made up these rules.

Chances are good that if your eggs are very fresh then they are from pastured hens, but this is not guaranteed. Ask the farmer and try to hold out for hens that are allowed to roam free in grass during the day. If you cannot get fresh pastured eggs, “cage-free” is your next best bet for flavor (though these may still be fed a limited diet).

Without asking the farmer it is hard to tell the difference between real pastured eggs and industrial eggs labeled “cage-free” that are still fed standard or organic chicken feed. One good indication will be the price, since pastured eggs tend to run $6-10/dozen here in SF. Trust me, it’s worth it.

I do not endorse the taste or healthfulness of industrially produced eggs (even the fancy kinds), and if you do eat them you should be careful to cook them completely.

(Aside: I never worry about the safety of eggs from farms I trust, so I always eat them runny. If you think runny eggs are gross, I don’t blame you. Runny industrial eggs are gross, and before I had fresh eggs I would have completely agreed with you. But fresh egg yolk is incredible, and it is something you have to taste to really appreciate. I definitely recommend stepping out of your comfort zone on this one.)

Once you have great eggs, fry them one at a time in 1 tbsp olive oil or butter on medium low heat and sprinkle with sea salt, course ground black pepper and a pinch of smoked paprika. The paprika adds a depth and complexity above what even chipotle peppers can offer, and the smokiness is reminiscent of—I kid you not—bacon. Needless to say, it is the perfect compliment to eggs.

Fry your eggs for just two minutes or so on each side, being careful to keep the yolk intact while turning. You really don’t want to overcook eggs, which will turn them rubbery and ruin the effect.

I haven’t actually tried these eggs with bacon yet, though I certainly plan to. But bacon is no longer a requirement for making a show stopping breakfast of champions. Here I served them with some ruby chard sautéed with pistachios and garlic.

Did you guys know about smoked paprika on eggs and if so, why was I not informed?

Originally published March 3,

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115 Responses to “How To Make Eggs Taste As Good As Bacon”

  1. I’m glad you pointed out that dietary cholesterol has been found to not raise blood cholesterol. That’s been one of the biggest reasons for limiting dietary fat for nearly a century, and it’s just never been true.

    But did you notice you subconsciously still followed that rule? “… even if you use butter it isn’t a problem since the amount you need to cook is so small.” Butter wouldn’t be a problem even if you used a lot of it. In fact, I cook my eggs in bacon fat, so mine have always reminded me of bacon. (By the way no, I haven’t tried them with paprika … yet.)

    Sure, olive oil is great, I’ve got nothing negative to say about it. But there’s nothing wrong with frying in butter, either. Not because you’re only using a little, but because there’s nothing wrong with it.

    As for the runny eggs, I completely agree, as long as you are talking about the yolk. Maybe pastured eggs are different, but I’ve never had eggs with runny whites that didn’t remind me of phlegm.

    • Darya Pino says:

      Excellent observation Drew, but actually that was not subconscious. In those 1st two paragraphs I am working under the theoretical principle of there being some difference in frying vs. scrambling eggs, assuming that fat is the reason people have this fear. But like I mention I think fear of dietary fat is irrational, particularly when it comes to heart disease (where it’s completely backward).

      As for olive oil vs butter, I agree both are fine even in large volumes for egg cooking (small amounts no matter what). However, there are certainly more studies pointing to benefits of olive oil than there are of butter fat, so for now I do assume olive oil is probably better (I’m not talking about taste). I admit this is not conclusive. But the data on saturated fat is still not entirely convincing to me outside the realm of heart disease. It still has some ties to cancer and cognitive decline that make me hesitate. I do not worry much about saturated fat, and definitely include it in my diet, but until I see data that it actually has benefits (not just non-negatives) for health I will still assume olive oil is probably better.

      And who in their right mind eats runny egg whites? I totally meant yolks!! 😉

      • Yeah, I’ve probably been reading too many politics boards where you can’t even accept someone’s premise for the sake of argument. You end up seeing things like, “You’re making a bad assumption, but if it were true you’re still drawing the wrong conclusion.”

        When arguing against “conventional wisdom” I prefer to challenge the assumption, rather than say “even if it were true”.

        And I’m so glad you meant the yolk. I went out to breakfast once in college, hoping food would setting my stomach after a late night. The runny whites … didn’t help.

      • John says:

        Paprika seems to have a bland taste, so maybe some smoke flavoring is added. Doesn’t the smoke flavoring overpower the eggs?

        Are the farmer market eggs graded AAA? Excellent grade eggs will have a bright yellow-orange to orange colored yolk that stands higher in the pan than grocery store grade. Low quality or old egg yolks have flatter, duller or easily broken yolks. I like to cook eggs over easy with sea or kosher salt with sauteed browned onions and harbinero peppers on the side in either butter/olive oil or a little bacon grease. It may be more healthy to eat liquid or creamy yolks than solid yolks especially for some with a family history of heart disease or high LDL cholesterol.

    • Jennifer Arbach says:

      A fool-proof way to cook eggs so that the yolks stay runny and you don’t have to flip them, risking breaking the yolks, is to simply put a cover over the eggs while they cook. The tops cook nicely. A see-thru glass lid works best, of course. Try frying them in coconut oil, a wonderful, good-for-you fat that gives the eggs crispy edges. (Just like when Mom fried them in bacon grease!)
      Another tip is to top the eggs with all-natural soy bacon bits.
      I will definitely try the smoked paprika-sounds wonderful!

  2. Kate says:

    I prefer my eggs fried in butter–I like the taste better–but you have inspired me to run to Penzey’s and get smoked paprika. If it is as good as bacon, it is worth it (I don’t eat much bacon, because getting stuff I feel good about ethically is a) very difficult and b) very expensive).

    I agree with Drew, too, that runny yolk = acceptable, but runny white = NOT okay. Not for the health reasons, but because I just can’t stand the texture. And I do get pastured eggs, so I’m pretty sure that’s not the issue.

    And by the way, that photo is absolutely gorgeous. If you put that together yourself, you missed a calling as a food stylist. Seriously.

    • Darya Pino says:

      Awww, thanks Kate!! I’ll be graduating soon, so maybe I’ll look into food styling as a job 😉

      I like butter better to, but mine is always hard in the fridge so I’m usually too lazy and just grab the olive oil. But I NEVER meant to imply I eat runny egg whites. Eeeeewww 😉

      • jeanne marcum says:

        Darya, don’t leave your butter in the fridge! YIKES! Get your hands on a “Butter Bell”. My awesome hubby brought me one home from a pottery shop he happened upon. You put a small amount of cool water in the jar of the bell, then you pack softened butter (mine is always organic butter … yum!) into the “bell” portion and invert the bell into the jar of water. A seal is formed where no air can get through the water to get to the butter; thus the butter stays fresh and at room temp! Have to LOVE it! 😉 P.S. don’t let Grammer Girl read this … oops! 😉

      • Bread Angel says:

        I found a glass butter dish with dome at an antique store years ago and that is where my butter sits on the counter. It has such a good seal that you don’t need to add water. I left butter in it, on the counter and went to Europe for three weeks. When I got home, the butter was not spoiled and tasted great. If you can find one of these, buy it, you won’t be disappointed.

      • Sandy says:

        I solved the “hard butter” issue by making my own soft butter (after seeing the prices and contents on the store varieties). I unwrap a pound and let it sit till soft in the mixer bowl. Then I whip it till it’s light, fluffy and aerated, start drizzling in olive oil, probably as much as a cup, depending on how it looks. (And, if I get too much olive oil, it just means that it’s slightly harder instead of truly soft.) Then I pour it into containers, freeze one, leave the other in the fridge. They last forever this way and I always have soft butter along with the traditional hard stick variety to use when I’m cooking in measured amounts.

  3. jeff clark says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the defense of the farm fresh egg. For over a year now, I have been buying fresh eggs from Gama Farms at the Irvine Farmer’ market and loving them. Just this morning I fried some leftover Shepherd’s pie for a hash and topped it with a fried egg.

    My favorite combination is eggs and beans, either refried or baked. Add a little habanero sauce and what a great way to start your day!

  4. I love eggs fried in olive oil – so much more than eggs fried in butter. And, I LOVE smoked paprika! I use it all the time – eggs, roasted chickpeas, and any kind of vegetable soup. I also love Marash Chili – have you tried it? SO tasty, doesn’t quite have the “meaty” flavor of smoked paprika, but it’s spicy and delicious, especially on eggs (I just did I post on eggs too.)

  5. Allie says:

    I did know about eggs and smoked paprika! Last summer I made a big platter of deviled eggs for a picnic and I happened to have smoked paprika and I was curious. So I sprinkled the regular paprika on half and smoked paprika on the rest. Wow!!! The ones with the smoked were a definite 10 while the regular ones were a 6 at best. I had no idea it would make such a difference. I never thought to use this knowledge with my fried eggs though. I will definitely be trying this soon.

    Sometimes I wonder about eggs and my health only because I generally believe in all things in moderation. And with eggs this philosophy tends to go out the window and I end up eating 8-10 eggs a week. But I enjoy them way too much to be too concerned. Any thoughts?

  6. I usually fry my eggs in butter with a little bit of salt and pepper, but I definitely will try smoked paprika. I’ll eat them with whatever — cooked greens, beans, salad. I also like eggs on top of brown rice with heated tomatillo salsa.

  7. Abhishek says:

    I add ‘Chat’ masala from the Indian store to my eggs when making omelettes. My (American) friends wont have omelettes any other way.

  8. Tana says:

    I did what Allie, above did: used the smoked paprika on deviled eggs for some spice-phobic family members. I told them it was “bacon dust,” and they ate ALL the spiced ones before the plain ones. Pretty funny.

    Another great bacon fake is Halen Mon Organic Oak-Smoked Salt. Seriously good stuff that I am never without in my kitchen. It even smells like bacon. Glorious!

    Coming up for breakfast: a fried duck egg on sourdough toast. With smoky, smoky salt!

  9. Hester says:

    Fantastic fantastic fantastic article, Darya! I’m glad you pointed out the cholesterol thing with the yolks and that people should really stop freaking out about it.

    Thanks for the fresh eggs tip. I think I’ll go to the farmers market at UCI this weekend to get some fresh eggs and taste the different. I don’t think I’ve ever had fresh eggs at home. Maybe at a restaurant but I don’t think I was aware of it. Looking forward to it! Thanks so much again, Darya!

    • Darya Pino says:

      They even have duck eggs at the UCI market!!

      • Hester says:

        You josh with me! They do?!!??! Hmm… I’m doing a visual in my head of the layout of the farmers market and the only egg stand I can think of is at the “beginning” near the band they usually hire.

      • julie says:

        Alemany has duck eggs. Also balut, though I’ll be skipping both of these. I tried goose egg, didn’t like. Not sure I’ve tried duck, actually, now that I think of it. Balut, developed eggs, is not something I ever want to try.

      • LEAH says:

        wow, I live right next to the UCI market and I haven’t been in years.. I’m definitely going this weekend now to check out the eggs!

        Thanks for the egg tips, I’m always on the search for new ways to prepare them!

    • jeff clark says:

      Hester, there are two egg providers at the UCI market, Lilly and Gama Farms. I have better luck with the ones from Gama. They are big, sweet and tasty with a golden yolk that sits up high, indicating its freshness.

      • Hester says:

        Ooh ooh ooh… I’m so excited to go this Saturday!!! Thanks for the information, Jeff! And Darya 🙂

  10. Angie says:

    Great post, Darya. I’ll have to try the smoked paprika as I enjoy eggs in all forms. If you’re open to further flavor experimentation (and I imagine you are), you should give Eric Gower’s maccha poached eggs a try. He describes the fusion of egg yolk and green tea as “celestial”…

    Despite the description (and the pretty picture), I’ve never actually gotten around to making maccha salt – but if you do, please blog about it 🙂

  11. I really love eggs — they have so much flavor on their own. And smoked paprika is one of my secret ingredients — it really boosts the flavor of so many savory dishes!

  12. Joan Nova says:

    Very interesting post to me because I recently reduced my intake of eggs fearing it was raising my cholesterol. So tomorrow it’s fried eggs for breakfast with a sprinkle of paprika. Sadly, though, while they will be omega 3 cage-free, they won’t be the $6-10 variety you mention. They don’t even sell them around here.

  13. Thank you, thank you for a great egg post regarding cholesterol and fat. Some of the conventional nutrition beliefs that are still out there really get to me, so it’s great to see an informed post! Now I need to find some local eggs..

  14. Thank you for writing this. It makes me feel better about my love for real eggs and my inability to believe they were ever bad for me. 🙂

  15. Nick says:

    Trying this this weekend without question. I’m a huge fried egg fan (agree on all points about runny yolk and good quality eggs…)

    Never tried one with smoked paprika and I just happen to have some wasting away in my pantry… 🙂

    Thanks for the revelation!

  16. Danielle says:

    I LOVE eggs, the runnier the yolk, the better to mop up with crusty bread fingers! Agree with you that they’ve been misrepresented in the general media when the real issue is about the quality of life that the hen gets. I usually prepare eggs in olive oil, but I can see why butter would work well and I’ll have to get my hands on some paprika!

  17. Elaine says:

    Haven’t tried the smoked paprika on eggs, but it has gone on everything else I eat, so tomorrow morning…
    Christmas this year was great- my husband and I gave each other a mobile chicken coop. It is large enough for 10 chickens to be quite comfortable, as long as a couple are bantams. They eat most of our kitchen waste, then graciously fertilize the lawn. It actually takes very little room for the girls, and we know everything they eat, including the flax seeds we are giving them to enhance the Omega Fatty Acids. Definitely one of our best ever investments~

  18. Aaron Del says:

    if you love paprika with eggs like I do you have to try paprika in your deviled eggs.

    just cut a hardboiled egg in half, scoop out the yolk, mash it up with paprika, sea salt and black pepper.

    skip out on the mayo though (unless home made) and add a few drops of olive oil instead to make mixture easier to work with.

    Pile it all back onto the white and you have one of the most satisfying (and healthy) snacks ever

    congrats on the paprika enlightenment! as obi wan put it, “you’ve taken your first step into a larger world”

  19. It is funny to see you write about smoked paprika – we just bought some Monday! I haven’t tried it on eggs yet, but it is outstanding on everything else I have tried it on.

  20. This is why I keep coming back here. I am an all time egg lover. It was the first dish I learned to cook as a child. Runny yolks don’t scare me either. Thank you for setting us straight about the bad rap eggs have gotten in the past. I still cringe at the egg white omelet and I never bought into it. I usually do poached or soft boiled when I’m in the runny yolk mood because I had a built-in bias against the unhealthiness of fried eggs. Tomorrow morning when I get back from the gym it’s fried eggs and smoked paprika.

  21. nate pagel says:

    Where in SF can I find smoked paprika?

  22. nate pagel says:

    Love Boullette’s. Rainbow did have it in fact (I live across the street). I used to get a black, smoked salt there that they no longer carry. It worked especially well on raw sushi-grade fish – gorgeous and a great little kick (used sparingly). Thanks Darya!

  23. Kujo says:

    I always cook my eggs (scrambled style) in extra virgin organic coconut oil. I like adding a mixture of cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne to my eggs, along with salt & pepper. This morning, I added smoked paprika to mix. Definitely adds a nice zing to the eggs.

    • Darya Pino says:

      Interesting combo! Sounds almost Indian? Southeast Asian? Thx for sharing 🙂

      • Ryan says:

        I an attest to the wonder that is extra virgin coconut oil used to cook eggs! Once I tried it aeons ago, i never looked back. It’s so good! I’m gonna try the smoked paprika with it the next time i cook some up. Coconut oil is truly one of the most amazing things on the Earth. I had no idea of it’s amazing power until i started reading about it. Check out this book if you wanna learn more.. Coconut Cures..

        Keep up the great work here Darya, it’s appreciated!

  24. Erik Benson says:

    Heritage turkeys are an extremely robust animal that can be raised in a city. Their eggs are amazing as their albumen produces a much stiffer whipped product than chicken eggs. Souffles, omlets, dutch babies are much taller and fluffier with turkey eggs. Turkeys are also easier to raise in a city because the males do not crow in the same way that roosters do. I raise them for meat and eggs as well as keeping chicken hens for eggs and the range size for a small flock is surprisingly small, allowing me to maintain a grass fed flock on a city lot. I’ve been doing this for 2 years now, having switched from chickens to mainly turkeys. The meat from the toms is delicious. I had 12 to start, I now have 9. After this weekend I’ll have 7. These are the “Bronze” variety, which seems to be the progenitor of several other breeds, such as the buff and narragansett. They can be interbred and then bred true to type with some care.

  25. Erik, I’ve seen a lot about urban chickens, but nothing about turkeys. How many eggs do they produce? What’s the cost per dozen come out to? When you say “surprisingly small” range size, how small is that?

    The crowing has been one of the big reasons I haven’t seriously considered my own chickens, but if I could do turkeys instead, then turn them into Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, I might give it a shot.

  26. nate pagel says:

    from wikipedia:

    In Spain, paprika is known as pimentón, and is quite different in taste; pimentón has a distinct, smokey flavor and aroma, as it is dried by smoking, typically using oak wood. Pimentón is a key ingredient in several Spanish sausage products, such as chorizo or sobrasada, as well as much Spanish cooking. Outside of Spain pimentón is often referred to as simply “smoked paprika” and can be found in varying intensities from sweet and mild (dulce), medium hot (agridulce), or very hot and spicy (picante).


    Capsicum peppers used for paprika are unusually rich in vitamin C, a fact discovered in 1932 by Hungary’s 1937 Nobel prize-winner Albert Szent-Györgyi.[3] Much of the vitamin C content is retained in paprika, which contains more vitamin C than lemon juice by weight.[4]

  27. Aren K says:

    I can’t believe I went all my life without knowing about this.

    My sentiments exactly!
    Thank you x1000!!

  28. I love paprika on eggs…something my Dad always did – maybe it’s a European thing. As for yolks, yes they must must must be runny.

    I have heard so many good things about fresh eggs – it’s now on my list of local things to source. I usually buy organic but to be honest haven’t really noticed a difference in taste. Recently though I had to buy some omega 3 eggs and they smelled fishy. Was revolting.

    Also I wonder if they use the same type of dating system here in Canada – all I’ve ever seen are the best before dates on packages.

    • Darya Pino says:

      I’m not a fan of organic eggs. Organic means the chickens were fed certified organic feed, which means industrial organic corn (not ideal). Bugs and other natural chicken food ironically cannot be labeled organic. What you want are pastured or legitimate free range chickens. Hopefully the omega-3 eggs weren’t fed fish meal (eeewww).

      The date the eggs are boxed does not look like a date, it is just a number 1 – 365. Sometimes you have to look hard for it.

  29. Sandeep says:

    Ok egg yolk maybe ok for heart/cholestrol. But what about calories, if someone is on a diet, how much calories would an egg yolk provide.


    • Darya Pino says:

      Egg yolks are some of the best calories you can eat. For weight loss you should cut out sugar and refined grains, not fat and protein. If you’re worried, limit your servings to 2 yolks.

  30. Glenn English says:

    Hi Daria, I was very glad to stumble across your site by way of the Huffington Post Food section. I really appreciate your take on food. I occasionally write about the intersection of cognitive neuroscience and the arts, so I appreciate you neuroscience side as well 🙂

    My wife and I raise our own chickens, which eat mostly bugs and greens. She actually has a book on raising backyard chickens for eggs, which has a bunch of great egg recipes that I worked on in it:

    I agree that smoked paprika is wonderful on eggs. I tend to get carried away with testing and fine tuning the best and easiest egg preparations. My wife wrote about my poached egg recipe on her blog, which ended up being featured on Food News Journal for best of the blogs. It’s nothing too fancy though:

    I have a simple trick for what I consider to be the perfect fried egg, which is technically a combination of frying and steaming. To fry them I use butter, coconut oil, olive oil, or often some combination of two of them. The trick is, I fill up a half of one eggshell with water, and add that to the pan after I have cracked the eggs into it, then I cover the pan with a lid. It steams the top side so that they are perfectly cooked and sublimely creamy. Many people have told me that they are the best fried eggs that they have ever had. No reason that you couldn’t include some smoked paprika 🙂

  31. Laura says:

    This sounds AMAZING!! I am definately going to try this out this weekend!

  32. Donna Lennox says:

    Thank you so much for your advice about farm fresh eggs! We’ve been raising chickens & selling eggs for a couple years now. At present I deliver 30 dozen eggs to a Food Co-op a few towns away that carries so much in the way of fresh, organic and all-around healthy foods. I’m reading all your info & going to make every effort to follow your tips & ideas to become a much healthier & smarter person. I too would love to lose quite a bit of weight – diets have never worked – your way sounds so much smarter. Thanks for your newsletter. Donna

  33. This is an interesting article, I’ll bookmark this for future use. By the way, what theme are you using?

  34. Mark says:

    $6-$10/dozen?! For eggs?? Seriously? Maybe it’s “worth it” to you, but some of us simply can’t afford to pay that much, no matter how much tastier or more nutritious they are. I would love to feed my family all of these delicious fresh foods, but many of them are simply not attainable for us due to their cost.

  35. Mark, if you compare locally-grown eggs to industrial eggs of course it’s going to look outrageous. But is that really the right comparison?

    I used to buy cases of Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches. (Okay, my wife bought them.) Sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant. Yummy. $11 for 12 of them. So a little less than a buck each, and maybe I’ll make it to lunch before I need a snack.

    Or I can have two locally-grown eggs, fried in bacon fat, for the same buck. (My local source is closer to the $6/dozen range.) And after that I sometimes don’t notice I’m hungry until an hour after my “normal” lunch time.

    So sure, the organic eggs cost more than industrial eggs. But what does one meal cost? And what are you willing to pay for one meal of something other than eggs? That’s the right comparison.

  36. Diane says:

    OK, so, I’ve spent my life eating grocery store eggs, scrambled. A few years ago, I did start using organic which did taste infinitely better. But, I was still not an egg lover. I’ll eat them about once every month or two scrambled and about as often in a frittata. Then, while poking around your site, I found this posting Thursday. While I haven’t had an opportunity to find a farmers’ market where I can purchase pastured eggs, I did find some in Whole Foods yesterday. I got the last package. Took a chance and fried one, leaving the yolk a little runny, and WOW. It was awesome. Next up, a purchase of smoked paprika (I just had regular). Thanks to your site, in the past two weeks, I have stepped out of my comfort range and tried Quinoa, swiss chard, escarole, lentils, wheatberries, and mueslis (can’t find Dorset but got sugar free Swiss). Your site is changing my life, for the better. 🙂

  37. Marcinoman says:

    I have been sprinkling paprika on my cauliflower quiche for years and it really adds oomph! to the flavour of the quiche, but I have never tried smoked paprika. That is definitely on my list. Thanks so much for this tip Darya.

  38. Rainier Wolfcastle says:

    Hmmmmm. Not sure where I rate here. I’ve been using pimentón de la vera specifically (because all sorts of really nasty and/or bland stuff is sold as “smoked paprika”) on eggs for years.

    But apparently I’m still a Philistine because I like my fried egg yolks broken and not runny. Is there room in the world for an old hand at the pimentón-on-eggs game, but one who orders “over hard, break the yolks”?

  39. You have made afried egg look very delicious! Interesting post

  40. I love paprika and eggs! I often roast potatoes with smoked paprika and top with a fried egg – one of my favorite meals. Your farm fresh eggs look awesome!

  41. alex says:

    Geez… a lot of things amaze you. Like the inability of most people to get “farm fresh” as opposed to industrialized eggs.
    I find this blog to be slightly uppity and oblivious; it reminds me of GOOP by Gwyneth Paltrow. Completely at odds with reality.

    • nate says:

      Alex, I just read the above and nowhere does Darya say that she is amazed at “inability of most people to get “farm fresh” as opposed to industrialized eggs.” Clearly, she lives in California, where it may be easier than in some locales. She is stating her opinion on what is good, and of course you are welcome to share your opinions as well! If you don’t mind sharing where you live, and you are into it, I bet the group here can find a source. Enjoy your day.

  42. Hi Darya,

    I was going to say cooking your eggs in bacon grease would make them taste as good as bacon but my buddy drew beat me to the punch!

    I am blessed to have access to Amish scratch the yard chickens and we also have another great egg farm locally. The true difference is when you get the soy free pastured eggs. I absolutely love them and these birds are raised on bugs, mash, veggie scraps and locally raised grain without any soy in their feed. The eggs have a bright orange yolk and the shells are so hard (aka filled with calcium) you have to crack them with a knife! I think that is one difference that is extremely apparent in industrialized eggs. The shells are flimsy because they chickens are not getting enough calcium because they are only eating vegetarian feed. When I see vegetarian feed on an egg carton I want to scream!

    Will be sharing this on my thoughts on friday link love round up! All the best! Alex

    • Darya Pino says:

      Great point about the shells and vegetarian feed. Food labels are intentionally confusing. It’s cows that we want on a vegetarian (and preferably grass) diet, not our hens!

  43. Scott says:

    Darya and all. Not to be a gross out factor, but my dear wife who has raised hens for years goes beyond runny whites and merely cracks a fresh warm egg straight into her mouth on cold winter days. This is the same wife who has taught me the glories of raw bacon. Obviously there is much to say about knowing where your food is coming from if you trust it raw. (by the way, no reports of food poisoning, ever) I don’t indulge in the raw eggs, yet, but it is wonderful to have a few pampered hens

  44. Dava says:

    As a recent vegetarian, I still miss the smokey flavor that bacon adds to bean soups and black-eyed peas. Duh! The answer was sitting on my spice rack!

    • nate says:

      I love smoky flavors too. There’s nothing about being a vegetarian or vegan that should preclude you from having it! I use smoked salt sometimes, BBQing on charcoal works of course, and lately I’ve been trying out Cedar sheets to wrap things and then bake or grill.

  45. Monica says:

    thanks for reminding me to get smoked paprika. I keep forgetting that I ran out, and love putting it in all sorts of things. Never thought of frying eggs though. Also want to brag about the secret egg CSA that I have joined. Secret ’cause I am not sure the guy can legally sell his eggs. But they are way better than eatwell’s which are fed with alot of soy feed. These seem to be truly pastured.

  46. Rob says:

    I keep hearing that eggs don’t raise cholesterol, but a few years ago I went on a low-carb, low fat diet with a lot of eggs. I was eating 6-8 boiled eggs a day for two weeks. A blood test after showed a monstrously elevated cholesterol level. I don’t know if it was the eggs or the rapid weight loss (14 lbs in two weeks) or a combination of both, but since then I’ve been afraid of eggs.

    • Darya Pino says:

      What doesn’t raise cholesterol is dietary cholesterol. However eggs also contain a bit of saturated fat, which does raise cholesterol (both good and bad kinds). But 6-8 eggs a day is INSANE. We’re talking 6-8 per week is ok, not what you were consuming. But you’re right, it was probably a combo of both effects. I guess I should have added at the end, “but don’t forget moderation.”

  47. Justin says:


    Wondering if you have heard of Vitala eggs. They have special feed the give the chickens which produces eggs high in dha and cla.

    Wondering what you think?

  48. JustinS says:

    It took me until today to find smoked paprika, 4th store was the charm. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to try it on the eggs after smelling and tasting it. My review can be boiled down to one word, awesome. I have so many ideas how I’m going to use the smoked paprika now. Thanks for this awesome idea.

  49. Jennifer says:

    I saw this yesterday and purchased some smoked paprika after work. When I cooked my eggs this morning, I sprinkled some on and they were delicious! I have been one of those ‘only egg whites’ people until recently as I’ve started adding more and more whole eggs to my breakfasts but after reading this, I think I’m done with just whites! Thanks for the smoked paprika idea!

  50. Hofo says:

    Hey, what’s that side dish with the pictured eggs?

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