Tonight at 6pm PST – Episode 19 – Summer Tomato Live

by | Feb 20, 2012

Tune in here at 6pm PST where we’ll be discussing food, health and all your random nutrition questions.

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7 Responses to “Tonight at 6pm PST – Episode 19 – Summer Tomato Live”

  1. Paul Hagerty says:

    It sounds as though you are in part alluding to the food palatability/hedonic reward mechanism of obesity right now in you chat — is that correct? In the sense that reward among other factors like mindfulness can override homeostatic caloric intake. What are your thoughts on the palatability/hedonic reward mechanism of obesity?

  2. Monica says:

    Fascinating to hear about your “floating” adventure – oddly, I was just looking into “floating” myself (for similar reasons) and it was serendipitous to hear of your recent experience.

  3. Badzilla says:

    Why did you cut off most of your hair?

    • Darya Pino says:

      My hair goes 3/4 of the way down my back. I just had it up for this episode.

      • Badzilla says:

        Oh, good. I think you are totally awesome and Kevin is one lucky dude. I only made the comment because I like long hair on women. Back when I got married, my wife had hair to her waist and while I was on a trip, she cut it all off and did not even reach her shoulders. Keep up your great work. I have been following Kevin since the ScreenSavers days.

  4. Brandon S. says:

    Just an idea of something to bring up in the next Summer Tomato Live.
    I’ve had these two articles thrown my way a few times as of late, and they’ve had me a bit worried. They began to shake up my resolve in Local Farmer’s Markets.
    I’ve yet to read Joel Salatin’s book like I wanted to. But I was hoping you could give a bit of insight into these articles and the studies they cite? Is there any credibility into their logic and conclusion?
    An old article by the skeptic Steven Novella:
    And a Reuters report about E. Coli:
    I know I’ve once heard how Local Farmer’s Organic produce is more nutritionally dense, probably heard that from you, and I’m hoping maybe Novella is underestimating just how significantly more nutrtious they are?
    Any tidbits you may have to say on the matter would be wonderful!
    Thank You 🙂

    • Darya Pino says:

      There is a huge variety in the nutritional benefit of organic foods. Industrial organic probably isn’t much better than conventional in terms of nutrients. However the best predictor of nutrient value is weather and soil quality. Small production, biodynamic farms produce seasonal produce that can be vastly superior to conventional produce. Heck, even conventional produce has declined in nutritional value over the past several decades.,8599,1880145,00.html

      Bean sprouts are one of the most easily contaminated vegetables, organic or not. I don’t think the Euro outbreak reflects organic practice so much as the difficulty of mass producing bean sprouts in any form.

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