For the Love of Food

by | Nov 22, 2013
For The Love of Food

For The Love of Food

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.

This week skim milk spikes controversy, how to feed your gut microbiome and how your alarm clock impacts body weight.

Want to see all my favorite links? (There’s lots more). Be sure to follow me on on Delicious. I also share links on Twitter @summertomato,  Google+ and the Summer Tomato Facebook page. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you. (And yes, I took that pepper heart pic myself).

Links of the week

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4 Responses to “For the Love of Food”

  1. Ris says:

    The consistent bed time/wake time study is really thought-provoking: I find it especially interesting that consistent wake times are even more important than when you go to bed. I guess it goes to show you the effect that sleep has on our hormones, and the effect hormones have on our health. I wonder how ghrelin, specifically, (the hunger hormone that we always hear about that is affected by lack of sleep) is affected by sleep/wake times, or whether other hormones are having a greater effect on body fat accumulation in these circumstances.

  2. GCC says:

    I definitely think getting a good amount of sleep and having a consistent sleep/wake schedule is important for health, but I suspect that the correlation with body fat the researchers observed is likely to be mostly due to variations in self-control.

    People that can resist the temptation to stay up later than usual to watch one more episode of Breaking Bad or resist the desire to hit the snooze bar one more time on mornings when they’re feeling tired are probably more likely to resist the temptation of a donut with their Dunkin’ Donuts coffee too. (I say this as someone that sometimes stays up later than he should to watch Breaking Bad and also eats more donuts than he should.)

    Still, being more disciplined with your sleep/wake schedule may improve your self-control in the long term, making it easier for you to resist those tempting snacks.

  3. Dee says:

    That article on stress eating was food for thought….
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Darya, Your posts are is awesome. Off topic I just wanted to share this link with you. How to Ripen Green Tomatoes :

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